Specialists in customised timber stair components for your next DIY renovation.
At Garde Timber, we supply a range of native and imported durable hardwood stair components to suit any budget for the DIY, trade or commercial application for both internal and external weather exposed application.
Stair treads are also available for single spine fabricated metal stringers or galvanized steel stringers which are pre-fabricated. These are supplied docked to length and finished sanded for installation, polishing, oiling or painting on site.
As Garde timber is a timber merchant, we only supply the separate raw material components and do not make up the staircase or house out the Stringers. We do not offer polishing of components
Stair components available in Solids timber and Laminated sections whereby laminated is now becoming more popular due to lack of large end section availability in Australian hardwood species.
We supply :-Treads Stringers Risers Platforms Winders(require templates)