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Unique & One of a Kind Timber Slabs

Show the work of nature in your DIY Project

Garde Timber’s range of natural edge timber slabs are cut by portable mobile sawmills from salvaged logs obtained from rural and urban land clearing, tree loppers, storm recovery or trees deemed too dangerous in parks and recreational areas.

Timber slabs will generally contain natural feature in hum vein, insect holes, cracks, splits and other rustic qualities of which can be filled if required. Slabs generally come with a natural edge down both long sides. Natural edges can be left for a rustic appeal or cut off for a square edge contemporary modern feel, still leaving a large width amazing grain pattern showing the work of nature.

Levelling and Sanding service by Slabmaster Levelling Machine – giving 2 flat parallel sanded faces. Sanding is done on our Biesse Italian Wide belt 1350 mm sander. Shaping Natural Edge can be done  to smooth to touch profile and filling with epoxy fillers for food safe surfaces eg Hotel / Café / Kitchen Bar tops. Cutting off the natural edges to give square edge or Routing the cut edge to a pencil round profile usually 3 mm or 5 mm radius(other profile available on request.)Polisahing service also available in 2 Pack Polyurethane.

Natural Edge Timber Slab Species Available

  • Forest Redgum

    Eucalyptus Tereticornis

    Forest Red Gum can grow up to 50 metres tall, with a girth of up to two metres. The timber from Forest Red Gum is, as its name suggests, predominately red. The cross-section, or heartwood, of the trees can range from cool orange to a deep red, whereas the sapwood is paler in tone, with a grey to cream red appearance. The grain of this wood is course, which complements the rich shade of timber.

    Forest Red Gum commonly features interlocked grain and fiddleback pattern. This is a Class 1 durability hardwood, with the sapwood not susceptible to lyctid borer attack and termites. Commonly known as Qld Bluegum.


    Up to 6.0 m


    Up to 900 mm


    Sawn:  50 – 55 mm  or  Dressed: 40 – 45 m

  • Blackbutt

    Eucalyptus Pilularis

    Blackbutt got its name due to the trees appearance after bushfire, whereby the butt was considerably darkened. The cross-section of this timber is golden yellow to pale brown, whereas the sapwood isn’t as easy to distinguish, however generally is paler in comparison.

    This timber is resistant to lyctid borer. With an even grain and texture, Blackbutt is ideal for interior use. Contains Black Gum Vein and insect pin holes as natural feature with occasional resin pockets.


    Up to 3.6 m


    Up to 900 mm


    Sawn:  50  mm or  Dressed: 40 mm

  • Camphor Laurel

    Native to Taiwan

    Native to Taiwan, southern Japan, southeast China and Indochina, the Camphor Laurel is suited for furniture projects, carving, and cabinetry. It yields a stunning, rich honey coloured timber, which is complete with a fresh scent. The cross section can generally vary, but most of the time is a pale to mid brown, with rare streaks of dark brown and red. The grain is interlocked, with an even overall texture. Camphor also has antibacterial properties prized for use in crafting handsome chopping and carving boards.


    Up to 3.6 m


    Up to 900 mm

    Sawn:  50  mm or  Dressed: 40 mm
  • Spotted Gum

    Corymbia Maculata

    Spotted gum timbers are available in a range of colours depending on the location of the source forest. The heartwood ranges from light brown through definite browns to deep red-brown hues. Sapwood is white to light brown in colour and can be up to 50mm wide. Spotted gum is a moderately coarse and uneven textured wood with some timbers having the additional feature of a wavy grain, giving rise to an attractive fiddleback figure.Will contain moderate Gum vein as a natural feature .


    Light to chocholate Brown tones with light defined Sapwood band.


    Up to 3.6 m

    (Subject to availability at time of enquiry)


    50 mm Rough Sawn

    Usually 40 mm when Dressed


    Up to 800 mm wide

    (Subject to availability at time of enquiry)

  • Recycled Hardwood Slabs

    Spotted Gum or Grey Ironbark Rustic Milled Road / Bridge Girders

    Recycled Hardwood  Slabs sourced by Garde Timber from salvaged  Road and Railway Bridge Structural members that have been remilled into 50 mm slabs and then re-dried for a period to be fully seasoned .

    These Slabs contain some rustic bolt holes  ,cracks and splits showing its age and a long story of usage in the making of ealy bridge and road structures gaining a new life upon being remilled  for Bench tops / bar tops / shop fitouts and DIY home projects  including Expoxy Resin works. All price on application.


    Spotted Gum – Mixed Brown Tones with Bolt holes and rustic natural feature

    Grey Ironbark – Red / Brown tones with Bolt holes and rustic natural feature


    Up to 4.2 m in length


    300 – 420 mm wide


    50 mm  Rough Sawn

    40 mm Dressed

    Got a General Enquiry?

    If you have questions or are looking for something specific please submit your enquiry below.

    Product Specifics

    Cutting Slab to exact length and width including Sink / tap / waste hole and Cook top cut-outs. Polishing Service available in 2 Pack Polyurathane for commercial grade finish – usually Satin(30 % Gloss ) or Semi Gloss (60 % Gloss). Full width boards are cut from bark to bark giving a unique grain pattern to provide fabulous unique feature bar top, bench top, table top, serveries, shelving or shop and café fit-outs material showing the natural character and natural feature of Mother Nature’s wonders.

    All Slabs are seasoned to 12 – 15 % equilibrium moisture content.(EMC)

    Please be advised there is no warranty on the polish 2 Pack finish for Single Piece Slabs in wet areas as are prone to movement and hairline cracking due to natural atmospheric variations which may result in moisture seeping into the hairline cracks and lifting the coating.